The Birdie Blog — Knowing It's the "One"

When the Heart and Mind Collide

Knowing It's the "One"

Brides are consistently surprised when they walk through the doors of Birdie and start the process of finding a dress. Typically, folks who made logic-based decisions are surprised when they fall in love with something that wasn’t on their practical list. They get confused when they can’t say, “I love it because it fits (x) requirement.” On the other hand, some heart-led brides are surprised when their hearts aren’t clear between choices! Their hearts go pitter-pat for two or three dresses, and they find themselves in a dilemma. The important thing is to remember that there’s no right or wrong...

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Will My Fiancée Cry?

Knowing It's the "One"

“But will my fiancé cry or think this dress is pretty enough?!” Nope, he won’t. Because he’s only marrying you for the delicious pies you make. I mean…he thinks you’re pretty but like…those pies though… See how ridiculous that sounds? Moment of could walk out in a potato sack and he would STILL think you’re the most gorgeous bride he’s ever laid eyes on. Because, second moment of truth, whether he wants to admit it or not, this day is just as emotional for him as it is for you. Every girl grows up dreaming of the day they...

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Opinion Overload

Knowing It's the "One"

The part of dress shopping that even the most decisive bride can dread... The part that keeps her scrolling through Instagram and Pinterest, full of stress about her decision...The part that can even keep her from the dress of her dreams... OPINIONS. Opinions of others are hard when it comes to every day decisions and outfits alone! The opinions that surround wedding dress shopping can feel overwhelming. The opinions of your dress party matter to you because you value your team. After all, that’s why you invited them along to help! But remember, opinions are only supposed to help guide you...

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To the Overwhelmed Bride: Here's How You Know

Knowing It's the "One"

Dear brides, We see it so often. We understand. You’ve been dreaming of this dress for years. You you want to look your very best on one of the biggest days of your life. And then, you start dress shopping. And you’re...Overwhelmed. We see you. You walk through the doors of our bridal shop and see so. Many. Dresses. Your bridal party is full of well meant opinions. You’re anxious. We hear it over and over: “These dresses are all so pretty! How will I pick one? How do I know it’s right??” “I love it...but there are so many...

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When FOMO Steals Your Moment

Knowing It's the "One"

“I’m the analytical type so I told myself I’d think about it.”Girl, I can RELATE! With your wedding dress being such an important purchase, we understand needing to think on it. We understand everything “wedding” that depends on your dress purchase; budget, theme, colors, etc.! The list could go on forever! Now on your second wedding dress appointment, you come to us at Birdie Bridal. You have a good idea of what you want; a simple, timeless fit and flare! The other boutique had a few that piqued your interest, but you’ve got FOMO (fear of missing out). We walk...

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