Looking Your Best on Your Wedding Day

Body Positivity

Looking your best on your wedding day....

Is not about being at your tiniest. In fact, why is being at your tiniest associated with looking your best?

Why isn’t looking your best associated with whatever way you look when you look at the love of your life?
Whatever way you look when you commit to “forever” with another person?
Whatever way you look when you are fully known, flaws and all, and are chosen?

I don’t know. And I’m changing the narrative, as far as my words can reach.

I was not at my tiniest on my wedding day. I was significantly heavier than when my husband and I started dating. I was carrying the weight of a final year of school, a 40 page thesis, three moves in a year, planning a wedding, and lots of happy date nights at Panda Express.

My heart, though, was full of happiness for the day. Love for my friends, hope for my future, gratitude towards my family, and absolute joy at marrying the love of my life, Micah.

And this is how he looked at me.

Your weight doesn’t matter on your wedding day.

What matters is you and your spouse, making this beautiful and selfless covenant, for better or for worse.

What matters is that Love endures above all things.
What matters is being truly known, and truly loved,
Just as you are.


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