When the Heart and Mind Collide

Knowing It's the "One"

Brides are consistently surprised when they walk through the doors of Birdie and start the process of finding a dress.

Typically, folks who made logic-based decisions are surprised when they fall in love with something that wasn’t on their practical list. They get confused when they can’t say, “I love it because it fits (x) requirement.”

On the other hand, some heart-led brides are surprised when their hearts aren’t clear between choices! Their hearts go pitter-pat for two or three dresses, and they find themselves in a dilemma.

The important thing is to remember that there’s no right or wrong way to go about choosing a dress. It’s almost never ALL intuition or ALL sheer reason. Allow your heart and mind to work together on this one.

Do you feel beautiful? 
Do you feel like yourself? 
Can you see yourself walking down the aisle?
Does it fit in your budget?
Do you feel comfortable?
Are you able to ballroom dance or party dance or whatever you have planned?

Let your head and heart work together. Don’t box yourself in by making HOW you pick the dress a major requirement. It may not happen the way you expect!


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